The Power of the Business Card


In the technological world of social media, smartphones and internet marketing, there are those who believe the old ways of physical networking are long gone. Gone are the days of personal meetings, door-to-door sales and even chance encounters. Hello to the days of quick messages, email signatures and, of course, the “like” button.

But despite everything the world of technology brings with it, there’s one marketing tactic that will never go out of style: the business card. The business card is an important tool that’s useful for companies and individuals alike. But just how powerful is the business card? Let’s find out.

Business cards promote your brand.

Whether you’re an individual employee or the CEO of a small enterprise, a business card is always a vital necessity to have on you when out and about. There are limitless possibilities and ways to design your business card, so whichever way you choose, make sure it is true to your personality and your personal brand.

Whether it’s paper style, font or size and shape of the card, the choice is up to you. Be careful in choosing a shape that’s too unique; lots of people still have card holders, and if yours doesn’t fit, the likelihood of it sticking around is slim. Make your card creative and unique, so it stands out from the crowd and catches people’s attention. Then, no matter where your card goes, you can be sure it will be promoting your brand and image to everyone who sees it.

Business cards show you’re serious.

You may be thinking, “I’m just an average person; I don’t meet a lot of people. What do I need a business card for?” Well, for the few people you do meet, business cards show you’re a serious candidate for all potential professional relationships. With today’s work connections being almost entirely online, a business card shows you care enough to go the extra step in person and on paper, too.

Whether you’re interviewing for a position, networking at a career fair or simply having a conversation with someone you met at a restaurant, a business card shows you take yourself seriously and you take your work seriously. Employers and business associates will see that and appreciate it even more.

Business cards build relationships.

Of course, one of the largest advantages to having a business card is it builds a relationship with everyone you encounter. By handing out your business card—intentionally, don’t just go all willy-nilly—you’re telling the individual you want to continue this encounter in the future. Obviously, your business card will have all your basic contact information, so recipients can continue to reach out to you and further the relationship even more.

Business cards establish connections.

Finally, while business cards are part of the physical world, they also establish connections through the online world, as well. Make sure to include your LinkedIn information on your card, and encourage others to connect with you. This helps build online connections, so you can continue to reach out to them later on, without having to remember, “Oh, dang, who was that person again?” So, to recap: (1) build relationship in real world, (2) connect in online world.

The business card is a powerful little marketing tool that’s great for individuals, companies and brands. If you don’t already have a business card, now is as good a time as any to make your own, go out and start networking.

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GrandMark Signs

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